Collection of 7 putative CUT; Homeodomain human TFs out of 7 considered proteins

No Alignment available for CUT;Homeodomain
Ensembl ID HGNC symbol DBD Family Is TF? TF Assessment Binding Mode Motif Status Notes Comments
CUX1 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Known motif 1 Monomer or homomultimer High-throughput in vitro
CUX2 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Known motif 1 Monomer or homomultimer High-throughput in vitro
ONECUT1 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Known motif 1 Monomer or homomultimer High-throughput in vitro
ONECUT2 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Known motif 1 Monomer or homomultimer High-throughput in vitro
ONECUT3 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Known motif 1 Monomer or homomultimer High-throughput in vitro
SATB1 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Known motif 3 Low specificity DNA-binding protein In vivo/Misc source Only known motifs are from Transfac or HocoMoco - origin is uncertain SATBs were analyzed by Gwenael Badis and Mike Berger a decade ago; by PBMs. It did not yield a motif; instead; the signal was very closely proportional to nucleotide content, as the name suggests (Special AT Binding).
SATB2 CUT; Homeodomain Yes Inferred motif 3 Low specificity DNA-binding protein In vivo/Misc source SATBs were analyzed by Gwenael Badis and Mike Berger a decade ago; by PBMs. It did not yield a motif; instead; the signal was very closely proportional to nucleotide content, as the name suggests (Special AT Binding).